
Please book at least 12 hours in advance of your desired appointment time. Upon booking, you will receive a confirmation email, stating your appointment time and location details. In order to keep your desired appointment, we require a $30 non-refundable deposit fee that will be applied to your service & the remainder balance will be charged during the day of your service.


Please aim to arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time with clean/makeup free eyes and lashes. Extra time spent cleaning your lashes will mean less time lashing.

All service timeframes have been designed to provide you the full lashing experience; late arrivals will affect the service. Late arrivals may be accommodated. However, the length of service may be adjusted so as to not interrupt the next client appointment.


We do understand that your schedule may subject to change and may require adjustments, therefore, we respectfully request a 24 hour notice for any rescheduling or cancellations.

As a courtesy, appointment reminders are sent out 24 hours by email. If an appointment is cancelled or rescheduled within 24 hours of your appointment, you will be charged the full appointment fee.


If you currently have eyelash extensions on from another lash artist, there is a strong likelihood that your lashes will need to be removed and put back on properly. Due to the unregulated nature of eyelash extension trainings, and certifications, there are a lot of lash artists that have been improperly trained.

At Chez Royâ Beauty, our priority is your natural lash health and eye safety. Thus if you are coming in for a touch up from another lash artist, then you agree that your current extensions may need to be removed at the removal price and a new full set will be applied at the appropriate full set price.


Certain circumstances and seasons may leave you in a panic to squeeze in a last minute lash appointment that is outside of our normal business hours.

After hours appointments may be available on a case by case basis for an additional fee. Please contact us directly to schedule your after hours appointment.


You are paying for artist time, product and other expenses used to provide you with a service. No refunds will be given for any reason on services or products.

If you are unhappy with a service, you may contact us within 72 hours of your appointment to discuss your concerns and if a fix can be done to address your concerns, it will be done so with a complimentary 30 minute express touch up if it is the fault of application or product.

Any concerns addressed after 72 hours of your last appointment or if you failed to follow the proper aftercare instructions, will be charged at full price for the service.


All client’s information oral or written will be kept strictly confidential and not be disclosed to other parties, whether this information was provided before, during or after the service.